
Results and lessons learned from the IMPALA project: presentation to top managers at Universidad del Valle (Colombia) 

On November 22 and 23, 2022, a team of professors representing the Universidad del Valle (Colombia) in the “Strengthening the Impact of Latin American Universities IMPALA” project presented the results, opportunities and lessons learned obtained from this project to the managers of the Faculty of Business Administration and the Vice Chancellor’s Office for Extension and Social Projection at the Universidad del Valle.

During these presentations, the relevance of incorporating the measurement of the impact of any activity or project development at the University within the framework of its third mission was highlighted. As cases and good practices, scholars presented two projects to explain the measurement of their impact: the macro-project “Strengthening the competitiveness of speciality coffees in the centre of Valle del Cauca – CAFINNOVA” and the ASES strategy. Both projects were adapted to the IMPALA methodology to contribute to measuring its impact through the Impact assessment framework (IAF). Nineteen higher education institutions from Europe and Latin America built this tool in the project.

As lessons learned, scholars pointed out the challenge of measuring the impact of third mission projects as a long-term process, structuring the projects and processes of the third mission to measure impact from its conception, and the need to develop information systems to accompany the impact measurement.

Presentation of the books of IMPALA at UCLV

On 11 November, 2022, the presentation of the books published within the framework of the project IMPALA took place at the University Central “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas. The area of the project GEPROY was chosen as the launching scenario, with the presence of its members and also having as guests members of the team of the company SICTE S.A. and staff of the International Relations and Extension Department. A brief explanation of the contents of both volumes was made and a number of copies were handed out for the work of these teams.

Each representative of the pilot projects made a summary of the process of applying the indicators, positive aspects, limitations and challenges for their future insertion in the scorecards of these projects.

Both teams were thanked for the possibility of being included in the piloting of the Impact Assessment Framework of IMPALA.

Presentation of the results of IMPALA to the senior management at UCLV

On 20 May, 2022, the results of IMPALA and the Impact Assessment Framework (IAF) were presented to the rectorate of the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas. The successes and limitations in the application of the indicators were discussed and the importance of achieving an understanding of the value chain at all levels was expressed in order to be adequately reflected in the planning of all processes. The contribution of the application of the IAF in the project GEPROY (advisory and consultancy) and in the design of the control panel of the company SICTE S.A. was noted.

As a result of the strong commitment of the UCLV with the society and from the experiences accumulated during the exchanges of the project IMPALA, it was agreed to propose a modification in the organization chart of the university creating the Vice Rectorate of Extension and Social Projection.

Cuba hosts the final conference of the project IMPALA

From November 6 to 9, the final conference of the international project IMPALA: Fortalecimiento del impacto de las universidades latinoamericanas (Strengthening of the impact of Latin American universities) will be held in Havana, Cuba.

The event, sponsored by the European Union’s ERASMUS+ programme, will include the participation of managers, academics and scientists, representatives of European and Latin American higher education, as well as managers of international cooperation.

The Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba, together with the four Cuban universities of the IMPALA consortium, will host the conference, whose central theme will be: “the 3rd mission as a contribution to university development.” Participants will be welcomed to what will undoubtedly be a special moment of reflection on the management of the third university mission, the effective link between the university and its environment and the measurement of its impact, and the support of international cooperation and project financing programs to all these efforts. It will also reflect on good practices and knowledge, built throughout the project and on the results obtained.

The institutions of the countries linked to the project: Belgium, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Italy, Panama and Portugal, jointly celebrate the strengthening and diversification of bilateral cooperation in the university order, a fact that is also recognized as a result of IMPALA.

Prestigious authorities of the Ministry of Higher Education, as well as representatives of national and international organizations and the accredited diplomatic body will be present at the conference and will contribute, from their knowledge and expertise, to the good development of the event as well as to a successful closure of the project IMPALA.

This is how the socialization of the project “Strengthening the IMPACT of Latin American universities” was carried out

On 30 August, the Colombian Association of Administration Faculties (ASCOLFA for its acronym in Spanish) held a meeting with the members of the Caribbean Coast chapter at the Rafael Núñez University Corporation at its headquarters in the city of Cartagena de Indias, in order to share and socialize the experience and results of its participation in the project “Fortalecimiento del impacto de las universidades latinoamericanas” (Strengthening the impact of Latin American universities) IMPALA (for its acronym in English) of the Erasmus + program of the European Union, with the direction of the EFMD. About 50 people participated in the meeting, including deans and directors of Administration schools of the Caribbean Coast Chapter of ASCOLFA, as well as professors and graduates of this prestigious institution.

In this meeting, the ASCOLFA research team, Dr. Gisele Eugenia BECERRA, executive director of the association, accompanied by researchers Claudia Patricia Ballesteros and William Umar Rincón, were in charge of presenting the main results of the two projects carried out by ASCOLFA within the framework of IMPALA, the first project “Impacto de la Educación Continua en el desarrollo de Carrera del Egresado y su empleabilidad en Colombia” (Impact of continuing education in the development of the graduate’s career and their employability in Colombia) and the second corresponding to the development of the “Caracterización de la Tercera Misión en las instituciones de educación superior en Colombia” (Characterization of the Third Mission in higher education institutions in Colombia).

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