Dissemination activities of IMPALA at UDELAS

The first semester of 2020 some dissemination activities of the Project Strenghtening IMPACT of Latin American Universities Erasmus + IMPALA  were carried out at the Specialized University of the Americas. The following were the hosted activities:   

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February 13th 2020: The progress of the project as well as the IMPALA Project scheduled activities for 2020 were presented at the XVI Commission of International Agreements of the Specialized University of the Americas. The following guests participated in this activity: Doris Hernández, Ph.D. and Vice-rector of UDELAS; Luis Torres, Director of Technical Cooperation and International Relations and Deputy Secretary of the CCI; Arturo Rivera, Ph.D. and Dean of Graduate Studies; Gianna Ruedas, Ph.D. and General Secretary of UDELAS; Joel Méndez, Ph.D. and Dean of the Faculty of Medical and Clinical Sciences; Clarissa Nieto, Ph.D. and Vice Dean of Research; Eric García, Dean of Student Life; Ricardo González, Dean of the Faculty of Social Education and Human Development; Aurora Altamar, Ph.D. and Director of Curriculum and Teacher Development; Joanna de González, Director of CEVINPROS; Graciela Ambulo, Ph.D. and Director of the Institute of Physical and Sports Health; and Sebastián Ceballos, Secretary General of the CEU. The attendants gave favorable comments on the planning and progress of the Methodological Framework and the impact of the project in measuring its impact on the community.

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July 31st 2020: III Meeting of the Network of Internationalization Links of UDELAS and follow-up of the Erasmus + IMPALA Project.

The Office of Technical Cooperation and International Relations (DTCIR) has organized and coordinated the Virtual Network of Internationalization Links directed by Luis Torres Herrera. 

This network is an opportunity for dialogue between the links of the faculties of the UDELAS headquarters (Azuero Extension Link; Chiriquí Extension Link; Coclé Extension Link; Colón Extension Link; and Veraguas Extension Link) and the DTCIR Team. The foregoing activity was developed with the aim of sharing initiatives, activities and monitoring international projects, such as IMPALA. The members of this network are being informed about the development of the project.

Meeting of IMPALA finished in Carcavelos – Portugal

During the IMPALA project meeting held in in Nova School of Business and Economics in Carcavelos, Portugal, the workshop “How to apply the frame of reference of measurement of impact of the third mission at an institutional level” was presented.

In it, representatives of partner universities from Cuba, Panama, Colombia, and Europe participated. Thanks to this event, the projects are structured and ready to be executed, which will measure the impact of the third mission on each of the Latin American universities.

IMPALA Project Major achievements presented to top managers of Colombian universities

On March 19 at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, the National Top Managers of the IMPALA members of Colombia was held. The meeting was attended by approximately 40 people from  the different Colombian Institutions.

During the meeting, we had an introduction of the Project which was presented by the  EFMD coordinators. Additionally, the progress of the Project and its scope were presented by Dr. Rafael Monterde, Professor at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia.

Yet another phase of the IMPALA project will take place next week from March 4 – 6, 2020 at NOVA University

A group of almost 50 senior higher education directors and members of top management of Education Ministries of Colombia, Panama and Cuba will convene at Nova School of Business & Economics in Carcavelos, Portugal for a training workshop on the application of the Impact Assessment Framework provided by specialists and instructors of the Erasmus+ IMPALA Project consortium members from Italy, Spain and Portugal.


Top managers meeting is held at Universidad de Panamá

The top managers meeting was held in the Academic Vice Rectory of the Universidad de Panamá, regarding the Erasmus + IMPALA Project.It should be noted that among the participants were Dr. José Emilio Moreno, Academic Vice Chancellor; Mgter Arnold Muñoz, Administrative Vice Chancellor; Dr. Carlos Bellido, Director of Regional Centers; Mr. Andrés Chang, Director of the Darién Regional University Center; Mgter Nereida Herrera Tuñón, General Secretary of the Universidad de Panamá.