Presentation of the results of IMPALA to the senior management at UCLV

On 20 May, 2022, the results of IMPALA and the Impact Assessment Framework (IAF) were presented to the rectorate of the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas. The successes and limitations in the application of the indicators were discussed and the importance of achieving an understanding of the value chain at all levels was expressed in order to be adequately reflected in the planning of all processes. The contribution of the application of the IAF in the project GEPROY (advisory and consultancy) and in the design of the control panel of the company SICTE S.A. was noted.

As a result of the strong commitment of the UCLV with the society and from the experiences accumulated during the exchanges of the project IMPALA, it was agreed to propose a modification in the organization chart of the university creating the Vice Rectorate of Extension and Social Projection.