This is how the socialization of the project “Strengthening the IMPACT of Latin American universities” was carried out

On 30 August, the Colombian Association of Administration Faculties (ASCOLFA for its acronym in Spanish) held a meeting with the members of the Caribbean Coast chapter at the Rafael Núñez University Corporation at its headquarters in the city of Cartagena de Indias, in order to share and socialize the experience and results of its participation in the project “Fortalecimiento del impacto de las universidades latinoamericanas” (Strengthening the impact of Latin American universities) IMPALA (for its acronym in English) of the Erasmus + program of the European Union, with the direction of the EFMD. About 50 people participated in the meeting, including deans and directors of Administration schools of the Caribbean Coast Chapter of ASCOLFA, as well as professors and graduates of this prestigious institution.

In this meeting, the ASCOLFA research team, Dr. Gisele Eugenia BECERRA, executive director of the association, accompanied by researchers Claudia Patricia Ballesteros and William Umar Rincón, were in charge of presenting the main results of the two projects carried out by ASCOLFA within the framework of IMPALA, the first project “Impacto de la Educación Continua en el desarrollo de Carrera del Egresado y su empleabilidad en Colombia” (Impact of continuing education in the development of the graduate’s career and their employability in Colombia) and the second corresponding to the development of the “Caracterización de la Tercera Misión en las instituciones de educación superior en Colombia” (Characterization of the Third Mission in higher education institutions in Colombia).

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