Top Managers’ Meetings at Universidad de Panamá

During the first week of April 2022, the IMPALA Team of the Universidad de Panamá, whose members are Dr. Yajaira Castillo, Deputy Secretary-General of the Universidad de Panamá; Dr. Maribel Gómez of the Academic Vice Presidency and Mgter. Marcela Ortega from the Office of International Cooperation and Technical Assistance; coordinated a series of meetings with the authorities of this institution of higher studies to let them know the latest progresses of the Erasmus Plus IMPALA Project.

In addition, one of the first meetings was with Mgter. Mayanín Rodríguez, Vice Student Affairs’s President of the Universidad de Panamá, who received the team in her office at this day of dissemination of the activities within the framework of the Erasmus Plus IMPALA Project.

Front left to right: Mgter. Mayanín Rodríguez, Vice Student Affair’s President; Dra. Yajaira Castillo, Deputy Secretary-General of the Universidad de Panamá; Dra. Maribel Gómez from the Academic Vice Presidency and Mgter. Marcela Ortega from the Office of International Affairs and Technical Assistance of the Universidad de Panamá.

Next, a meeting was held with Dr. José Emilio Moreno, Academic Vice President of the Universidad de Panamá, who knows very closely about the activities carried out in the IMPALA Project and will follow up the project’s sustainability actions through this Vice Presidency’s Office in our institution.

From left to right: Dra. Yajaira Castillo, Deputy Secretary-General of the Universidad de Panamá; Dr. José Emilio Moreno, Academic Vice President; Dra. Maribel Gómez from the Academic Vice Presidency y Mgter. Marcela Ortega from the Office of International Cooperation and Technical Assistance of the Universidad de Panamá

Similarly, a meeting was held with the President of the Professors Association of the Universidad de Panamá, Prof. José Álvaro, Coordinator of the CEFERE Project from the Regional University Center of San Miguelito.