Erasmus+ is a program from the European Union which is focused on education, training, youth and sports for the period of 2014-2020. Among its core values is Key Action No. 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange for good practices.
En este contexto, la Universidad de Holguín en Cuba, junto las organizaciones que participan en este proyecto de “Fortalecimiento del Impacto de Universidades Latinoamericanas” (IMPALA), desarrollarán el taller de capacitación sobre la utilización del Sistema de Evaluación de Impacto (IAF). Las actividades se organizaron de la siguiente forma:
Within this context the University of Holguin in Cuba along with other organizations participating in the project: “Strengthening the impact of Latin American universities” (IMPALA), will develop a training workshop on the use of the Impact Evaluation System (IES). Activities have been organized as follows:
Workshop: How to apply the Impact Evaluation System at a national and institutional level? (Professors). Dates: November 25th, 26th and 27th 2019.
- Coordination meetings: Dates: November 28th and 29th 2019.
El objetivo de este taller es proveer a los participantes las habilidades para aplicar el Sistema de Evaluación de Impacto en la implementación de proyectos a nivel local y/o regional u otras actividades con la meta de maximizar su impacto. Esta actividad estará desarrollada por los profesionales: Fiona Hunter, de la UCSC; Boriana Marinova, de la EFMD y Maria Quilez, de la EFMD
The objective of this workshop is to provide the participants with skills to apply the Impact Evaluation System when working on projects or other activities at a local or regional level with the purpose of maximizing its impact. This activity will be developed by the professionals Fiona Hunter from the UCSC; and Boriana Marinova and Maria Quilez from the EFMD.
It should be highlighted that the city of Holguin, where this workshop is taking place is a province enriched with beautiful landscapes and world-renowned beaches. Its port, “Bariay”, was the location of Christopher Columbus´ first landing in Cuba and the birthplace of Ibero-America. The city has maintained an exquisite and rigorous conversation of the colonial architectural structure and because of its urban view dominated by several parks, it is also known as the “city of parks”.